30/10/2000 2:23 AM
Title : NBDM2 - Robert & Gwendoline - Grostarin DM3
MapFilename : q3nbdm2.bsp (beta 3)
Author : Grostarin
Email Address :
Map Type : TeamDeathMatch (and DM)
For CPM (Challenge ProMode http://www.challenge-world.com/promode/)
Map description : It's DM3 from Quake, but i recreate for CPM... Enjoy
Thanks to : You because you downloaded my map :o)
Special Thanks : My father, Bob Marley, Prince, all the NB guys (u are all the best)
All guys who help me during the beta test on Lvl and on the forum of www.quakefr.com
All QE guys for their open minds and Id software for textures, shaders and Q3A
The Challenge-world team and the CPM team for the new Quake they are creating for us
Me also for the time passed on this map (pfiuuu :o)
Very Special Thanks : NB guys who help me during the beta test and who love Gwendoline as i love it !
My so helpful father
***** Construction *****
Base : dm3
New Textures : yes
New shaders : yes
New sounds : nop
Editor used : Q3radiant
Known Bugs : none
Build Time : It was big :o)
Compile machine : P2 350 / 96 RAM
Compile Times : many
***** Usage *****
1. move q3nbdm2c.pk3 to your baseq3 or challenge_pm directory
2. run CPM and at the console type "/map q3nbdm2" or go to the map menu
***** Copyright / Permissions *****
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
You may distribute this map FREELY via internet, provided you include this .TXT file and leave the archive intact with no modifications. If you would like to use this map in any other way, please contact me via e-mail. If you let me know and give me a credit, I'll probably give you the permission to use it.