
Challenge has been designed to allow players to play nice Teamplay , CTF and Tournament , for that some new rules have been made , some nocheating features implemented .

The different improvements are :

- Spectators can't join a game without the acknowledgement of players .

- It's possible to restrict players to the challenge client to avoid aimbot .

- It is possible ( if the vote has been made ) to drop weapons .

- A server side dectection of Zbots .

- A full set of scriptable message for your team ( and ONLY your team ) .

- It's possible to play sound to your team ( because sound are localised you can't use it has a timer ) .

- A sound pack ( THANKS Q3RADIO http://www.planetquake.com/q3radio ) is now integrated so every client challenge ( in your team ) can receive voice message .

- Votable vars can be restricted by the administrator .

- No votes during a match , when started a match can only go to the win of one clan , no pause , no restart .

- A referee mod can be set , the referee has powerful abilities but less than giving a rcon .

- A game start when both teams are ready , if all players type \ready or if captains type \teamready or if the referee starts the game

- Votable BFG and POWER_UP bans .

- Lots of stats .

If you find bugs , ideas etc ... mail me :

2) Basics : (First steps)

To allow the start of the game you must type \ready ( and not 2\ready )

To see who are players and who is the captain type \player .

If you are the team captain , you can kick pick a player from you team by \kickplayer the number of the player , \pickplayer ...

3) Important votes :

callvote g_nobfg 1 // no BFG !

callvote g_nopower_up // no Power Ups !

callvote tl 20 //timelimit 20 equivalent to callvote timelimit 20

callvote fl 0 //fraglimit 0 (infini) equivalent to ...

callvote cl 0 //capturelimit 0 equivalent to ...

callvote g_nospectatorchat 1 //les spectateurs ne peuvent pas parler !

callvote g_allowdrop 1 // possibilit de dropper une arme

4)Useful commands :

\player // to know who's the captain , what's your number ...

\accuracy num_du_joueur // If no number , display your stats



\say_near : Send a message to near teamates

\say_team : Send a message to teamates .

\joincode le_joincode // Set your join code , if no joincode , display your joincode

\drop num_weapon // drop the weapon

\play_team sound // play a sound to your teamates

\referee the_password // make you a referee

5) Capitains :

They are powerful players , the first player to join a team is set captain . He can can do team adminstration tasks like kickplayer , pickplayer , lock , unlock , set teamready etc ... He can also give is privilege to sombody else . \pickplayer num_of_player //Take the spectator .

\kickplayer num_of_player //throw the player out the team

\captain num_of_player //Elect a new captain

\lock //lock team ...

\unlock //unlock team ...


6)Referee :

Referee can launch votes during a game and all votes of a referee are executed ... But a referee can't play ! To be a referee you must know the password or be elected ( depend on how the server is set ) .

A referee can set a team ready with \readyred \readyblue

To become a referee \referee the_referee_password

Or be elected by \callvote referee number_of_the_futur_referee

7) Special server :

These settings are my prefered :

quake3.exe +set fs_game challenge +set g_gametype 1 "or 3 or 4" +set g_dowarmup 1 +set sv_pure 0 +set bot_enable 0 +set dedicated 1 +set g_allowreferee 2 +set g_allowvotegametype 0 +set g_challengeonly 1

explanation : ( PS: if a command is required it's explain )

+set fs_game challenge :To select the challenge mod.

+set g_dowarmup 1 : REQUESTED !

+set bot_enable 0 : no bot .REQUESTED UNDER LYNUX ! (PS: if bot_enable 1 the linux server will crash ??)

+set g_allowvotegametype 0 : Players can't vote the g_gametype .

+set dedicated 1 : To run in console mod .

+set g_gametype 1,3,4 : 1 mod Tournament , 3 mod TP , 4 mod CTF .

+set g_allowreferee 2 : 2 =elected referee mod , 0 no referee , 1 password only , 3 both .

Some others settings :

warmup 20

g_allowvotebfg 1 // vote for BFG ban allowed ( work in both way , you can ban the BFG and not allowing the callback of it )

g_allowvotedrop 1 // vote for drop (...)

g_allowvotepow 1 // vote for power up (...)

g_challengeonly 1 // Only challenge client can play ( to avoid Aimbot , timer etc ... ) other can only spectats ( also usefull for Qtv ) .

g_referee your_password // if you set g_allowreferee 1 or 3 fill this CVAR !!! .

g_mapmode 1 // server will go into map cycle after all players have left .


The files : mapctf.cfg , mapduel.cfg and maptp.cfg are

necessary ! They MUST be filled with the allowed maps on this server !!

If these files are not presents the server will CRASH !!

Tips: there are some precompute stats in challenge logs between [CHALLENGE STATS],[CHALLENGE STATS] .

8) Special client :

The client is optionnal ( actually no UI but will come soon ) .

With it you can send to your teammates some scripted messages , autocompletion commands and play on g_challengeonly 1 server .

For scripted message :

\say_team ou \say_near

%a Write your armor .

%h Write your life .

%l Write your location ( if you have the file for localisation ) .

%d Write your direction .

%n Write the name of the aimed player .

%x Write the name of the aimed item .

%w write your weapon .

%m write your ammo .

Exemple : \say_team I'm at %l and i go %d with %w %m and %x dispo

If you want to had some locations \hadapos the_name_of_where_you_are .

I think that this document is pratically all right maybe i have forgotten some commands ( and surely made some big mystakes ) . If you don't have find what you want in this document , feel free to mail me :
